
Conditions of Hire


The full hire payment is required two weeks prior to your booking.
Payment may be made by transfer to Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Tunbridge Wells Branch, Frant Memorial Hall Registered Charity Sort Code 30-98-77 Account Number 00276149 quoting your surname or company name as a reference or by cheque made payable to Frant Memorial Hall and sent to Hazel Wells, Balanced Accounting LLP, Unit K, The Brewery, Bells Yew Green, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 9BD.

Refundable Deposit
The banked deposit will be retained until the safe receipt of the key.
Any necessary cleaning charges will be deducted from the deposit.
Any rubbish requiring removal will be deducted from the deposit.
Any damage to the hall, its fixtures, fittings and furnishings will be deducted from the deposit.

Please ensure that all waste/rubbish is taken away with you and not left on the premises or in the hall dustbins.
Do not use wet mops on the floors.  Brooms are located in the kitchen.

Please contact bookings for the code for the key box which is situated outside the hall door

Small Hall - Bar Fixture
Please do not attempt to move this.

Storage Room and Rear of the Stage
Chairs and tables are located here. Please ensure they are cleaned and replaced tidily, in the designated areas, after use.
It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that nobody interferes with any other equipment stored at the Hall.

Hirer’s Equipment
Should you wish to store items in the hall prior to and/or after the event, permission must be obtained from the Bookings Officer.
Any items found stored without permission may have to be removed from the hall. The Hall Committee and Trustees will not take any responsibility for the loss or damage of any such items.

General Conditions
The use of the kitchen is included at no extra cost on the understanding that it may be shared with other users of the Hall.
All events must be completed by midnight.
All lights must be turned off, windows shut and the door locked after use. The hall heating must be returned to 20C at the thermostat and No 5 on the radiators, if altered.
The bowling green is strictly out of bounds.
The premises has a mandatory capacity of the following and must not be exceeded:

  • 220 persons dancing
  • 200 persons closely seated
  • 110 persons at any function utilising seating at tables

Stewards must be appointed at a ratio of one steward for every 100 persons or part thereof.  It is the responsibility of the stewards to make themselves aware of the fire instructions, familiarise themselves with the location of the emergency exits and the fire extinguishers and their use and to advise their audience appropriately.
A copy of the premises licence is located on the notice board at the main entrance and must not be removed under any circumstances.
Frant Drama Society take sole use of the hall for two weeks of the year. Regular users will be advised of this. No classes will be held during these two weeks.
The Committee reserve the right to offer an alternative venue should the need arise.
FMH will allow Inflatables ie Bouncy Castles, Inflatable equipment and soft play only if booked through KBS Inflatable Kingdom one of the largest selections of inflatables and soft play in East Sussex. All bookings must adhere to their term and conditions.

Frant Memorial Hall Committee does not accept any responsibility for cancellation of your event due to unforeseen circumstances. For example electrical failures, flooding, etc.

The responsibilities of the named Hirer are as follows:

  • Ensure all lights are turned off, windows closed and locked, and doors locked after use.
  • Leave the Thermostat on 20C, if changed, and radiators on 5.
  • Ensure the stage curtains are closed.
  • Return all tables and chairs to the rear storeroom and leave neatly stacked.
  • Ensure that all fire doors are closed